Work Rome Floyd offers valuable workforce resources and career opportunities for employers, job seekers, students, and parents in Rome and Floyd County. Search and find a job in Rome, Georgia and Floyd County today!

Rome Floyd Chamber

What We Do

At the Rome Floyd Chamber, we work daily to help cultivate a thriving community and Work Rome Floyd plays a crucial role in achieving this goal. Work Rome Floyd offers valuable resources and opportunities for employers, job seekers, students, and parents. This is done by offering a comprehensive range of support where businesses can find qualified talent, individuals can discover fulfilling career and job opportunities, and students can explore educational and career paths. Together we work to build a stronger workforce in Rome and Floyd County.

Work Rome Floyd offers valuable workforce resources and career opportunities for employers, job seekers, students, and parents in Rome and Floyd County. Search and find a job in Rome, Georgia and Floyd County today!


We understand the importance of finding the right talent to fit your business forward. We are here to be a reliable resource to assist in making the recruitment process efficient and effective.

Work Rome Floyd offers valuable workforce resources and career opportunities for employers, job seekers, students, and parents in Rome and Floyd County. Search and find a job in Rome, Georgia and Floyd County today!

Job Seekers

We are committed to providing you with key information throughout your job-seeking journey and helping you secure meaningful employment and career opportunities.

Work Rome Floyd offers valuable workforce resources and career opportunities for employers, job seekers, students, and parents in Rome and Floyd County. Search and find a job in Rome, Georgia and Floyd County today!

Students & Parents

We recognize the importance of making informed decisions about education and future career paths. Our website exists as a hub of information, offering guidance on educational institutions, career tech training and programs, as well as seeing the various business and career opportunities located in our community.